Freitag, August 04, 2006 |
"Nehmt die U3 bis Muemmelmannsberg und sucht den Zettel am Pfosten" |
Such a strange day; life was in fast forward on my last day in Hamburg. When I finally gave the key to Herr Weltereit I felt that the bureaucracy was over: Now let the party begin!
While sitting on our Tagesraum (I like the way I mix German with English-don't you?) I didn't notice that Matt was away for that long (dude, I really thought you were on the toilet) until Barbara appeared holding a folder in the name of Andres, Vicky and me. "Guys, I found this on the fridge. It's for you..."
What we found in when we opened the folder was a Hamburg SoSe 2006 crossword, with questions on our experiences all these four months in Hamburg. Some kind of "I salata ine ******" or "Wo steht der schnellste Burger King der uns bekannten Welt?" etc. It took us something more than an hour to solve it, and when we finally made it, Andres and I met Vicky at Berliner Tor to follow the crossword's solution-phrase: "Nehmt die U3 bis Muemmelmannsberg und sucht den Zettel am Pfosten".
Follow the white rabbit
Follow the white rabbit? Not exactly. Just looking for a Swiss cow-card saying "Hei, malaka, jetzt geh nach Pony Bar"... We searched in every single spot of the U-Bahn station, but finally found nothing (I just thing that now "malakas" is an international word and somebody like your message and kept it for him). We finally called twice agent-Corinne to listen to our next mission: "Go to Pony Bar and take the next message".
There were three bicycle-lockers keys waiting for us there and the following instructions: "Ride your bikes and go to Bedford Cafe, Schanze. All you have to do is to ask for an ACDC song"...
And so we did. And as it was my turn to ask for the next message, I went to the barman saying "Hallo. Ich moechte ein Lied von ACDC". "Ich habe kein Lied von ACDC, aber ich hab' das fuer euch", said the man laughing and gave us a folder with receivers: "Fuer Die 3 die wuenschen ein Lied von ACDC". The message on this card was the final one and, as it said, we had to ride all the way to Elbstrand and meet Corinne and Matt there.
"Ride the high way west, babe"
We rode all the way from Schanze to St. Pauli, then crossed the Reeperbahn, and turned left to Elbestrasse. When we arrived at Elbstrand we found our two good friends waiting for us with a bottle of Aldy champagne. We hugged each other for the nice time spent in Hamburg and then rode all the way from Alte Altona to Holstenstrasse, Corinne's House. It was the day before Switzerland's National Day (1.8) and that for had the guys prepared another Swiss cheese eating night. When the Austrians, Barbara and Christina, arrived we all entered the kitchen which was decorated under the combination of the circumstances: Mine, Vicky's and Andres' departure together with Switzerland's Day. And so was on the table a Swiss flag and some candles writing "CH" (Confederetia Helvetia, eh, Andres?) and on the top of the room some papers saying "Goodbye, Chrysta, Andres, Vicky. HH06. See ya later!"
Then we ate, as much as we could, because the food was delicious, but we were all tired from this day's time-hunting. And, Psari, guess what: After I ate and took a shower at Corinne's bath (thanx for the hospitality!) I slept for a couple of hours in order to afford staying awake the rest of the night. And then we rode our bikes once again and went to Matt's house.
"-Is that blood on your hands? -Am, yes, it's your blood! :P "
The boys tried to prepare the cds they had with their photos. Corinne slept for a while on my hands and I was there to awake them all: "Ok, gemer DENN?" :) We only left when Andres and Matt finally made it to open a bottle of wine a scissors and guess what: They did it without any injuries! That red color on Andres' hands was not blood, but just red ink, as we had tried earlier to write a dedication on the "Fear and loathing" dvd he gave to me, as a goodbye present.
"Was machen die Duecken so frueh?"
We left again and rode all the way from Schlump down to the UNI. Then we stopped at the Alster Bridge to take some romantic photos of the sun rising on our lovely dirty- hamburger waters for the last time. Andres lost his Cola. Vicky could almost lose her life, but the car finally didn't hit while crossing the street on her bike. And Matt didn't lose the moment and took a wonderful photo of the road (still waiting for it-could you upload it here, bitte?).
On our bikes again. We stopped at a spot close to Alster and drunk the rest of our white wine, all hugged and staring silent at the sun rising. Then I broke the silence with a spontaneous question: "Hej, was machen die Duecken so frueh? Haben kein Schlaffen?". When nobody responded, I thought I had made another not-that-funny jog. But it was just a matter of words creating: The German word for "ducks" is definitely not "Duecken" and so did Andres say: "Wow! Another highlight of you!". We broke into laughing and remembered all the wrong phrases the three Greeks of us had used all these months...
"-Danke. -Danke auch".
It was almost 5 when we rode to Oma's house. Vicky and I tided up our staff and took the bus to the ZOB. We kissed each other for the last time in Hamburg and went into the bus to go to Berliner Schoenefeld Airport. The last Erasmus thoughts, the last Erasmus words, the last Erasmus thanks. If I had to choose among these moments which one would fit on my feelings better, that would be my chat with Corinne, almost with a tear drop: "Danke". "Danke auch"!
[Auf wiedersehen] |
posted by Ttallou @ 1:52 PM  |
now the tear dropped down on holstenstrasse-wg-floor :-)
finde ich sehr toll, dass du die erinnerung festgehalten hast, ttallou...
well done! danke fŸr deinen beitrag. Ill never forget your sweet german tongue! You calling on my birthday made me really happy, thanks! Cu later, Andres
schluechterne ttallou... :)
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now the tear dropped down on holstenstrasse-wg-floor :-)
finde ich sehr toll, dass du die erinnerung festgehalten hast, ttallou...