Dienstag, November 21, 2006 |
Das Leben nach Hamburg in einem Lied, Teil 2 |
Kein Plan, keine Strategie keine Tricks, keine Philosophie keine Ahnung was mit uns passiert sag mir, wo bin ich hier? keine Idee, keine Mathematik keine Gewohnheit und kein Prinzip ich weiß nicht wer du bist und wie du heißt doch ich will, dass du bleibst
Good bye Logik alles kommt anders als geplant Good bye Logik mein Herz besiegt meinen Verstand Good bye Logik es ist nichts mehr wie es war Good bye Logik mein Herz besiegt meinen Verstand
unangemeldet und unerhofft unüberlegt und unverkopft keine Erwartung, kein Rendezvous und jetzt kommst du ich verschenke was ich hab male Bilder mit neuen Farben ich weiß nicht wie und ich weiß nicht warum alles schreit nach Veränderung
alles was ich hab alles was ich weiß bis zu dir hierhin verliert auf einmal seinen Sinn unglaublich aber wahr unmöglich aber da es hat wohl seinen Sinn dass ich jetzt hier bin
Madsen - Good bye Logik
Watch the clip here and see the band travelling from "Berliner Tor" to Sternschanze...
P.S.: Back from Vienna - it was great! Thank you Barbara & Christl...pictures will follow...
posted by Matt @ 12:18 AM  |
Donnerstag, November 16, 2006 |
Pictures...eventually! |


HEY HEY! I haven't forgotten about the pictures. Here are some... Pic 1: Host&Guest nearby the castle (wonderful view onto the city!) Pic2: Host family (part of it...Chrysta, Greg and little Despina) waiting for Eli while 5-minute-break. Pic3: Me, myself and I. Notice "the Absolut bottle" form of the square! Pic4: Eli and me being very cool at seaside. Pic5: Guest fans not welcome. Graffiti at Aris stadium before their game against AEK. Thanks again, Chrysta, that was wonderful! Did I already mention that Matt and me are travelling to Vienna tonight? :) Well, we are! Cu later! Andres |
posted by schinkae @ 8:49 PM  |
Sonntag, November 12, 2006 |
Thessaloniki reunion |
Back from the city of Thessaloniki, I'll tell you the story of my stay.
I took the evening Swiss plane from Zurich leaving at 22.35 which unfortunately (for both Chrysta and me...she had to pick me up in Thess. at 02.30 instead of 01.30; I was without sleep for almost 24 hours due to an early shift the morning before) was 1 hour late. Well, flying Business Class is not too cool, as the staff on the airplane keeps you awake asking you for some wishes every 4 minutes.
Arriving in Thessaloniki at night, getting out of the plane. Feeling: Did I take the wrong plane?? Temperatures as in Sibiria. Being cold. Being very cold. Bus driver waiting for f... wheelchair passenger to get out of the plane (doors open). Chrysta and Jannis waiting. Hugs and off we go. Driving through the city, small detour in order to see White Tower and other sights. Jannis being our tour guide. At Chrysta's home, very tired.
Woke up at around 10 am due to noise from the living room. Get up and being welcome by big fat greek family. Very nice even if unfamiliar at first. Everybody being very very nice. Greek hospitality. Going out. Still cold. Walking a lot in order to explore Thessaloniki. Getting a rest in the illegaly built bar at seaside (reason for not being sanctioned: owner having many many friends). Everywhere noisy. Crossing 6 laned-streets even with red-light (stopping in the middle for a second). Visiting olympic football stadium. Jannis picking us up and driving up the hills. Very beautiful view on the city/sea. Wow! Eating out delicious Greek food (Soufflaki, Tsatsiki, Gyros). Going out with a whole lot of people as Chrysta told them I was on visit. Meeting Catherina, Despi, Nicky, Xanthi, again Jannis, Kostas with his girlfriend and hmm..I forgot his name :( Drinking sambucca and listening to good music. Very nice.
Again woke up even if still tired the morning after as Despina jr. made a lot of noise. She wants to play. Well,ok, at least I can say Kali mera now when I see all the others (Dimitra, Kostas, Greg, Despina, Despina jr., uncle and other guests). A little bit warmer today, waiting for Eli's (!) late arrival (but it was ok as it was only 5 minutes late and Greg parking on a 5 minutes-parking. Greek time). Meeting Eli, very nice! Going home to Chrysta's and eating even more delicious home made Greek food with all the others. Learning that uncle is responsible for Chrysta's parents getting married. Learning that I am not supposed to talk about relationships at table (it was, I can say, some sort of "being part of the discussion-question" so I stopped speaking at all from this minute..). Im sorry! Walking through the city with Chrysta and Eli, took some nice pics at seaside, drinking coffee in a nice bar. Eli leaving only having stayed in Thessaloniki for a few hours (Thank you Eli!! It was so nice to meet you there!). Chrysta organizing evening programme going to the Aris Thessaloniki vs. AEK Athen football game. No guest fans (except Chrysta)....why? see picture! Referee being very very bad so fans shouting and screaming at him all the time (objectivity not possible as only being surrounded by frenetic Aris-Fans..even Chrysta clapping her hands the time Aris went on lead 1-0). AEK playing much better second half and winning 3-1. Leaving a bit earlier in order to catch the bus before all the frenetics take a seat. (we came to the quite old and f...-up stadium --> very rigorous security control...thanks to a attentive taxi driver, having two free seats in his cab...strange habit but ok). Eating at Goody's and shaking back home (bus).
Next day without 5-minute-guy-interruption (parking car in front of store and being back in 5 minutes....bus waiting) into city centre. Buying souvenirs, getting a "Tsourek" from Dimitra (bought by Chrysta) and walking around. Chrysta telling me a lot about city history thanks to help of her sister. Interesting! Going back to Chrysta's one last time. Getting the rules of backgammon for the very first time (Id rather not). Preparing to leave. Getting AEK hat and scarf by Kostas. Warm goodbye by Greg and Despina (Chrysta's parents). Dimitra coming by to say good-bye. Chrysta calling taxi, everything happening so fast. Packing all the things (including "something to go" by Despina), saying goodbye to Chrysta and getting into taxi. Driver trying to beat his personal speed record on the way to airport ("Kanguras"). Waiting very long at airport as lady at counter says "plane is very booked". Smiling and say "Yes sure". Getting boarding card at 4.25 (dep. 4.40) even if there are more than 5 free seats in plane. Very rude lady now as she is very much stressed..."can imposssible be my problem" translated word-to-word from German...remember Chrysta?:) Being very very tired once again. The cycle has been closed.
PS: Thanks for wonderful hospitality to: Greg&Despina, Dimitra, Kostas, Despina jr., uncle&aunt, Eli, Jannis, Nicky, Xanthi, Despi, Catherina, Despina the German, and all the others.
But: Many many many more thanks to:
Love u all Andres
PS2: my Greek travel vocabulary that helps me through the day:
Kali mera! (in the morning) Efcharisto! (after eating lunch cooked by Chrysta's mother) Malaka! (at football game) Pfff....Kanguras! (on the way back home)
Cu! (due to Blogger problems I can not upload pics...yet) |
posted by schinkae @ 8:46 PM  |
Dienstag, November 07, 2006 |
Fuer Corinne und Matt: 5 gute Gruenden um nach Andres Party zu gehen… |
- Um Andres zu sehen, natuerlich!
- Um Andres neue Haus zu sehen
- Um viel zu tanzen
- Um viel zu trinken
- Um eure Geschenken von Griechenland (Lamia & Thessaloniki) zu bekommen.
Also, was wartet ihr noch? Los! :)
posted by Ttallou @ 3:50 PM  |
Montag, November 06, 2006 |
Das Leben nach Hamburg (auf ein Lied) |
I've nothing much to offer There's nothing much to take I'm an absolute beginner And I'm absolutely sane As long as we're together The rest can go to hell I absolutely love you But we're absolute beginners With eyes completely open But nervous all the same If our love song Could fly over mountains Could laugh at the ocean/sail over heartaches second time Just like the films There's no reason To feel all the hard times To lay down the hard lines It's absolutely true Nothing much could happen Nothing we can't shake Oh we're absolute beginners With nothing much at stake As long as you're still smiling There's nothing more I need I absolutely love you But we're absolute beginners But if my love is your love We're certain to succeed David Bowie - "Absolut Beginners"
posted by Ttallou @ 7:28 PM  |
Mittwoch, November 01, 2006 |
What has happened to Fischmarkt?? |
Ooooh! There wasn't any Halloween Party I guess!! |
posted by schinkae @ 4:43 PM  |
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