Dienstag, Oktober 10, 2006 |
Our Erasmus Reunion part I: London |
Hi, guys! I am about to explain you the details of our Erasmus reunion in London trip, so listen carefully!
See ya later! Before we left Hamburg, we had promised to meet again in each others land. That meant that Psari, Vicky and I would come to Switzerland in February and Corinne, Andres and Matt would come to Greece in the next summer and stay in each one of our houses (Athens, Thessaloniki, Corfu).
God Save the Queen! Well, well, well, the point now is that when I met Psari, ten days ago in Athens, she proposed me another plan until then, in order to meet each other earlier than in February! Psaris plan was actually to travel to -Her Magesty- the Queens Land, the UK! Dear Sir Matt, as you know, the two of us have to go there, Her Magesty Queen Elisabeth is still waiting for us to meet her at the Buckingham Palace! :P As you may remember, Vicky is now studying at the University of Surrey and she will be there until the end of this winter semester (approximately until the end of next January). Surrey is – supposed to be - a suburb of London, which actually means that you can reach London in less than an hour using the railway. Vicky leaves in the universitys student house at the campus in an apartment…better than ours�, which in other words means that she has her own bathroom as well as her own wc. I have already spoken with her and she told me that it will be her honor to host us at her place, if we are also willing to sleep down, by the floor, in case it is needed. I have also a cousin, who lives in London and I could stay by his house, so as to have more free space in Surrey for the rest of you.
That sounds good, ttallou, but when? Moreover, and just because we are as much traditional Greeks as you thought we are after watching My big fat Greek wedding, we do not really want to be far from our families during the Christmas holidays. That means that the Christmas holidays-date is excluded as our trip-date. Psari and I thought that the best possible date would be at the end of November, in order to have the time to organize the trip well and not lose the Christmas holidays as well.
In the end In the end we do not have to do it if we cannot do it, and our CH- and GR-trip plans are still valid (aren’t they?). If we cannot meet each other in London, we can still prepare ourselves for a… skiing contest in St. Moritz in February or a swimming contest in Corfu next summer… The famous English tea is definitely good, but can it really be compared to fondue or souvlaki? I do not think so! But still, Her Magesty, The Queen is still waiting for us…
Buru, buru, buru, well, I think I said it all! It is your turn to express yourselves! |
posted by Ttallou @ 5:58 PM  |
My Majesty, my dear Lady Chrysta, dear Erasmates with great enthusiam did I take notice of this wonderful project. Many thanks to my Lady Chrysta - who will be travelling First Class to London, of course - for outlining this plan. What can I say? let's fix a date and I'm in...but what about mid december? 8./9./10. of December?
I guess I'm in for mid December as well...
hey guys... great idea to go to london! i am pretty sure i will join the group, even if the queen is not waiting for me :-(
by the way: i am in paris right now and i just met our friend samy...
Here are some flight options (at least for the Swiss Erasmates): British Airways: Zurich,Switzerland to Gatwick (London), Fri 8 December 2006 ,11:15 Heathrow (London) to Zurich,Switzerland, Sun 10 December 2006 ,18:55 Total flight price 204.50 CHF (Swiss Francs)
Freitag 08 Dezember Basel - Freiburg nach London Stansted
flug 3314; abfl. Fre 08 Dez 16:30 ank. Fre 08 Dez 17:10 CHF 29.95
(pro Person)
Sonntag 10 Dezember London Luton nach Basel - Freiburg
flug 2085; abfl. Son 10 Dez 18:50 ank. Son 10 Dez 21:35 CHF 93.78
(pro Person)
Preis für Ihre Auswahl Flugpreis pro Erwachsener/Kind CHF 123.73
(pro Person) Steuern und Gebühren pro Erwachsener/Kind CHF 52.00
(pro Person) Fälliger Gesamtbetrag:
1 Erwachsene CHF 175.73
Wann buchen wir?!? :-)
Keine Ahnung... Ich bin so nervoes diese Moment...
Keine Ahnung...
"I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us..."
Hey guys! Since I did not have too much time visiting this site recently (being in the military service during the week) I had not until now heard of your plans. Matt however announced something like an idea but that looks quite concrete already...So, as I would say in Hamburg: "Why not!"... I will definetely either come to Thessaloniki in November or join the London trip in december. Let's have a beer Matt&Corinne, and talk about it, eh? You will hear from me! kisses, andres
So...how's life, everybody? I hope you started the new semester as successfully as I did :P But enough burubur, let's come to the point: What's the latest about our trip to London? As far as I can judge it, Andres, Corinne and I are more or less ready to book...what about you, ttalou and psari? I really don't wanna hurry but you all know that flights get more expensive everyday...time is in this case really money...and it would be just great to see you all soon. Is the date (8. to 10 of December) ok for everyone? other suggestions? That's it for the moment, enjoy whatever you're up to cheers,Matt
P.S.: I will be in Celerina/St. Moritz the next weekend, checking out some details for our reunion in February (not really: having fun with friends, more likely)
Hi and sorry for the delay. I'm afraid we won't see each other in London... I mean, Psari and I looked for cheap tickets and there's nothing out there costing less than 250 euros.... Moreover, Vicky can't host us for that dates (8-10.12). But even if she could, that would be for just a few of us and not for 5 persons, which actually means that we should be divided in 2 groups; those who'd stay in Surrey and the London ones. As a result, we should move all day long from Surrey to London and vice versa...
Pfffffff, dude, i'm confused. I'm finally not in, but I'm so sorry i made you believe in that trip...:(
But even if not, you still want to meet each other in CH and GR, oder?
No, in this case not, I'm afraid. Hehe no problem but ttallou I hope we'll meet each other next weekend. The flight is quite booked already but I am optimistic. I'll let you know tomorrow (it's always "tomorrow", I know...:) gr. andres
I'm optimistic as well, so i've made my plans for your pleasant stay here! I'll be waiting until Friday, i'll be at the airport waiting for you!
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My Majesty,
my dear Lady Chrysta, dear Erasmates
with great enthusiam did I take notice of this wonderful project. Many thanks to my Lady Chrysta - who will be travelling First Class to London, of course - for outlining this plan. What can I say? let's fix a date and I'm in...but what about mid december? 8./9./10. of December?